Coffee with Alain sharing a short travel tip from the Salt Lake City airport. Extra power!
Coffee with Alain discussing travel tips to make your travel easier, safer, and more enjoyable. This Memorial Day weekend is predicted to one of the busiest travel weekends in many years. Be prepared!...
Coffee with Alain discussing the Special Ops maxim "Speed, audacity, and violence of action win the day" in self-defense situations.
Coffee with Alain discussing the new Guardians movie and how when you are disciplined, resilient and determined you can overcome adversity, achieve objectives, and succeed.
Coffee with Alain discussing "Hapkido II" by Dr. He-Young Kimm, The Third Option by Vince Flynn, and Getting To Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury.
Books on Amazon:
Dr. He-Young Kimm's web...
Coffee with Alain discussing a fact of life and how it relates to the Korean Martial Art Festival and other things in our lives.
Coffee with Alain discussing travel and planning to make your trips more safe and more enjoyable.
Coffee with Alain discussing Soke Michael Depasquale Jr. and answering Kellen's question about Reflex Protect.
Coffee with Alain discussing a short quote on teamwork.
"Teamwork is a constant balancing act between self-interest and group interest."
- Susan Campbell
Coffee with Alain discussing being prepared before heading out to teach a Reflex Protect Defensive Spray Class.
Coffee with Alain providing a wish for Mother's Day and a little motivation.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "A Bouncer's Guide To Barroom Brawling" by Peyton Quinn, "The Story of Disney 100 Years of Wonder," and "The Hands of Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu."
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