Absorb What Is Useful and The Sales Bible - Coffee with Alain Sept 9, 2023 dan inosanto jeffrey gitomer Sep 09, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Absorb What Is Useful" by Dan Inosanto and "The Sales Bible" by Jeffrey Gitomer.

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Roll Left, Roll Right - Coffee with Alain Sept 8, 2023 success Sep 08, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing some wisdom and a philosophy from one of his drill sergeants.

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Meeting Eric Roberts - Coffee with Alain Sept 7, 2023 eric roberts Sep 07, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing meeting Eric Roberts yesterday.

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All Work Counts - Coffee with Alain Sept 6, 2023 booker t washington Sep 06, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing how all work is important. Inspired by a quote from Booker T. Washington.

"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."

- Booker T. Washington

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Personal Evolution of Self-Defense Training - Coffee with Alain Sept 5, 2023 martial arts self-defense training Sep 05, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing self-defense and martial art training and the personal evolution people will go through during years of training.

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Happy Labor Day - Coffee with Alain Sept 4, 2023 labor day Sep 04, 2023

Coffee with Alain wishing everyone an Amazing Labor Day.

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Three Essentials for the Warrior and Equalizer 3 - Coffee with Alain Sept 3, 2023 admiral yi sun shin denzel washington equalizer 3 warrior Sep 03, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the new movie Equalizer 3 starring Denzel Washington and three essentials for the warrior from Admiral Yi Sun-shin.

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Jimmy Buffett, Flash Point, and What Would Walt Do? - Coffee with Alain Sept 2, 2023 don bentley jimmy buffett tom clancy walt disney Sep 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the passing of music legend Jimmy Buffett and the books "Flash Point" by Don Bentley and "What Would Walt Do?" by D.M. Miller.

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Begin Each Day As The Author Of Your Life - Coffee with Alain Sept 1, 2023 motivation Sep 01, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a short motivational message. You are the author of your life, so be sure to write a best seller.

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Don't Get Hung Up On The Word Weapon - Coffee with Alain Aug 31, 2023 deadly weapon reflex protect self-defense Sep 01, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the word "weapon" and why people should not get hung up on the word.

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Know the Baseline to Stay Safe - Coffee with Alain Aug 30, 2023 baseline situational awareness Aug 31, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing an important element of situational awareness. Knowing your baseline helps you recognize things that deviate from the baseline that might be threats.

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Live As You - Coffee with Alain Aug 29, 2023 enjoy life safely motivation Aug 29, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a short motivational message and a quote from Christian Furchtegott Gellert.

"Live as you will have wished to have lived when you are dying."

- Christian Furchtegott Geller...

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