Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Powerfully Fit" and "Stronger Faster" by Men's Health and "Seal Force Alpha" by Richard Marcinko and John Weisman.
Coffee with Alain discussing the chiefs fans who suffered frostbite who now need amputations.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little travel tip for before you take a vacation.
Coffee with Alain sharing a scam alert.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little training tip.
Coffee with Alain discussing the storm in California over the weekend and the importance of being prepared.
Coffee with Alain sharing a simple survival tactic.
Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The Exchange" by John Grisham and "17" by Michael Heppell.
Coffee with Alain sharing another parenting tip.
Coffee with Alain sharing an observation from a friend during an on-line chat.
Coffee with Alain discussing kids and some advice for parents.
Coffee with Alain discussing several things related to road rage, road safety, and having his advice called telling people to be pussies.