Honoring Delta Force Snipers Gordon and Shughart - Coffee with Alain Oct 3, 2023 blackhawk down delta force gordon shughart Oct 03, 2023

Coffee with Alain honoring the Delta Force Snipers Gary Ivan Gordon and Randall David Shughart. Both received the Medal of Honor, posthumously, for their actions on Oct. 3, 1993.

Gary Ivan Gordon (...

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Recognizing Active Shooter Warning Signs - Coffee with Alain Oct 2, 2023 active shooter active shooter response Oct 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing warning signs to help recognize active shooters and active killers so they can be stopped before they kill anyone.

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National Police Memorial Day and Precious Things - Coffee with Alain Oct 1, 2023 motivation Oct 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain honoring police officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice and sharing a motivational quote to think about today.

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One Little Spark, Dave Barry Does Japan, and Extreme Measures - Coffee with Alain Sept 30, 2023 dave barry disney marty sklar vince flynn Oct 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the books "One Little Spark" by Marty Sklar, "Dave Barry Does Japan" by Dave Barry, and "Extreme Measures" by Vince Flynn.

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Happy Chuseok and What Do You Want To Be Known For - Coffee with Alain Sept 29, 2023 be exceptional chuseok motivation Sep 29, 2023

Coffee with Alain wishing everyone a Happy Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) and discussing what you want to be known for. Topic inspired by by making it big enough to be mocked on TikTok. Yeah!

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Analyze Self-Defense Techniques - Coffee with Alain Sept 28, 2023 martial arts self-defense Sep 28, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the importance of analyzing self-defense techniques and ensuring they are the best for you, and that you can do them if needed. There is a difference between learning a ma...

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Reactionary - Coffee with Alain Sept 27, 2023 reactionary Sep 27, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing how people and organizations are often reactionary rather than pro-active when it comes to violence. (and other things)

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Take A Moment To Do This - Coffee with Alain Sept 26, 2023 life tips motivation success Sep 26, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a thought provoking message to help you make your life better.

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Don't Assume When It Comes To Safety - Coffee with Alain Sept 25, 2023 personal safety self-defense Sep 25, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing why you should not assume things, especially when it comes to your safety.

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Seasons of Life - Coffee with Alain Sept 24, 2023 motivation Sep 24, 2023

Coffee with Alain with a short message on the seasons of life.

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On Writing by Stephen King - Coffee with Alain Sept 23, 2023 stephen king Sep 23, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the beginning of Spring and the author Stephen King and his book "On Writing."

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Some Top Things Burglars Look For - Coffee with Alain Sept 22, 2023 burglars home safety Sep 23, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing some of the top things burglars look for when these criminals get into your home.

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