Coffee with Alain discussing the apprehension and fear some people face when going to an active shooter response training.
Coffee with Alain discussing workplace threat assessment teams and why they are important. Things you can do to create one.
Coffee with Alain discussing water safety and kids.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little Monday Motivation with a quote from David McNally.
Coffee with Alain discussing a situational awareness lesson from a recent visit to the Seattle airport.
Coffee with Alain discussing the book "Self-Defense for Dummies" by Damian Ross.
Coffee with Alain sharing travel advice from the Seattle airport.
Coffee with Alain discussing why you shouldn't use "The Policy Says" as your reason for someone to comply with your request without explaining the "why" behind the policy.
Coffee with Alain asking what learning you are doing.
Coffee with Alain sharing a success principle.
Coffee with Alain sharing the philosophy from a new coffee cup.
offee with Alain sharing a short Father's Day message.