Fighting To Win, Seeds Of Greatness, and Memorial Day - Coffee with Alain June 17, 2023 david rogers denis waitley vince flynn Jun 17, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the books "Fighting To Win" by David J. Rogers, "Seeds of Greatness" by Denis Waitley, and "Memorial Day" by Vince Flynn.

On Amazon:

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Human Potential and an Incredible Balancing Act - Coffee with Alain June 16, 2023 agt motivation potential Jun 16, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing human potential and an incredible balancing act that appeared on AGT.

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A Leader Is - Coffee with Alain June 15, 2023 leadership Jun 15, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing leadership.

"A leader is one who ventures and takes the risks of going out ahead to show the way and whom others follow, voluntarily, because they are persuaded that the ...

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Make Personal Safety A High Priority - Coffee with Alain June 14, 2023 enjoy life safely personal safety safety Jun 14, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing personal safety so you can enjoy life more.

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Shortcuts - Coffee with Alain June 13, 2023 safety safety habits safety tip shortcuts Jun 13, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing shortcuts and why you shouldn't take them if they will compromise your safety.

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You, A Baby, and Two Others Surviving for 40 Days - Coffee with Alain June 12, 2023 #children survival Jun 12, 2023

Coffee with Alain asking you to imagine a scenario where you must take care of yourself, a baby, and two others lost in a remote jungle with nothing but what nature supplies.

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Well Done Is Better Than Well Said - Coffee with Alain June 11, 2023 ben franklin motivation travel tip Jun 11, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a motivational message inspired by a Benjamin Franklin quote from 1737. Also a little travel tip!

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Dead or Alive, 7 Habits, and Unlimited Power - Coffee with Alain June 10, 2023 7 habits of highly effective people dead or alive geoff thompson stephen covey tony robins unlimited power Jun 10, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing Dead or Alive by Geoff Thompson, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and Unlimited Power by Anthony Robins.

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A Drop Of Clean Water In A Mud Puddle - Coffee with Alain June 9, 2023 motivation storyteller Jun 09, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing an old story that is relevant today.

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Protecting Yourself from Bad Air - Coffee with Alain June 8, 2023 adventure bad air quality excperiences Jun 08, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing adventure and protecting yourself from bad air, something affecting millions of people right now.

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The Point - Coffee with Alain June 7, 2023 motivation Jun 07, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a short little motivational message.

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Remembering D-Day - Coffee with Alain June 6, 2023 d-day Jun 06, 2023

Coffee with Alain remembering the importance of D-Day.

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