Coffee with Alain with special guest Prof. Dan Anderson talking about martial arts and more.
Coffee with Alain sharing a simple way to make each of your days better.
Coffee with Alain sharing a lesson that I shared at the KMAF last Saturday.
Coffee with Alain discussing the KMAF and a couple of intructors no longer with us. We must take advantage of opportunities while we can.
Coffee with Alain sharing a lesson from Dr. Kimm at the KMAF.
Coffee with Alain with special guest Mike Munyon.
Coffee with Alain with special guest Dan Severn. This was recorded live during the seminar and a couple times the sound isn't the best due to the connection. But a fun great interview.
Coffee with Alain discussing combining work and play.
Coffee with Alain sharing a little travel tip from this morningā€™s check in at the airport.
Coffee with Alain discussing the Kim's Game, an exercise we did in Sniper School to help with observation and memory skills.
Coffee with Alain discussing development of keen observation skills for safety and enjoying life more.
Coffee with Alain discussing the upcoming Korean Martial Art Festival in Crestview, FL, and how it will change the times of the live broadcast.