Safety and Self-Defense Tips

Season #1

Coffee with Alain sharing a couple Safety and Self-Defense tips from Alain's Kindle book "101 Safety and Self-Defense Tips: Lessons From The Experts."

Started out with one of my Lion King cups, a great movie that I saw when it first came out, and then saw more times when my daughter was growing up.

Safety Tip: Here is one of the tips I shared in this morning's Coffee with Alain show and is in the video above:

Aggressiveness In defense we do not initiate violence. We must grant our attacker the vast advantage of striking the first blow, or at least attempting to do so. But thereafter we may return the attention with what should be overwhelming violence. "The best defense is a good offense." This is true, and while we cannot apply it strictly to personal defensive conduct, we can propose a corollary: "The best personal defense is an explosive counter-attack."

- Jeff Cooper, The Principles Of Personal Defense