Supporting Student's Goals

Season #1

Coffee with Alain discussing the importance of Parents to support and encourage their kids with their goals, and to teach them to be safe as they accomplish them.

As a proud Penn Dan, I'm so proud of my daughter for accomplishing a goal she set in middle school. To go to Wharton Business School at University of Pennsylvania. She wanted it and she worked hard all through high school to get there, and now she is pursuing a dual degree B.S. in Business and a B.A. in International Studies with a minor in Korean.

The key for us to support and encourage her with this goal was that it was HER GOAL, not ours. We need to support and encourage our children with the goals that they have for themselves. And if they don't have goals, we need to help them figure out what they really want and set them.

We also need to actively teach and help our children grow into responsible adults and teach them to be safe while they go out and enjoy their lives. Teaching them to be safe when they are out on their own is very important, and one of the reasons I provide a lot of information keeping our kids safe and teaching them to be safe themselves.