Training for What You Carry

Season #1

Coffee with Alain discussing Harry Potter, Universal Studios, Amok by Barry Eisler, and training for what you carry for personal defense.

Encouraging kids to read is so important. As a voracious reader myself, I helped to instill the habit with my daughter when she was younger. She became a great reader too, and she loved the Harry Potter books which led to the movies, the theme parks, and a lot of Harry Potter stuff in our house, including the cup for today.

Barry Eisler is a friend and a great author. His newest book, Amok, is a fun read that I'm really enjoying.

Safety Tip! Practice and Train with what you are going to use to defend yourself. This is even more important when you choose the responsibility to carry a firearm. You must be able to access and use anything you choose for your personal defense. Reflex Protect is a great non-lethal option, and that's why I work with and head the civilian training for the company. I'm off to do some training for a hospital later today. But it will do you no good if you can't access it or use it when needed. And this is the same for anything you might carry. Be sure to watch the video to see the best way to use the small Reflex Protect spray or similar pepper sprays or flashlights. Regardless of what you choose for personal protection, make sure you have access to it, know how to use it, and have trained with it. Hopefully your awareness and avoidance will make it so you never need it. But if you do, you want to make sure you have access and have trained so you can deploy it successfully to defend yourself and keep yourself safe.