But The More You Know

Season #1

Coffee with Alain discussing Avatar, Mickey's original name, and safety and survival knowledge.

Avatar was a fantastic piece of filmmaking. Watch the video to hear other comments on the movie that I saw yesterday with my family.

Mickey Mouse trivia - Mickey's original name was going to be Mortimer Mouse until Walt's wife changed his mind to Mickey.

No course of action is guaranteed to be right in a survival situation, but the more you know, the more effective your actions can be. It is only prudent then to learn and train so you can be more effective in an emergency or survival situation. Part of this website's goal is to provide information on these topics to help you be better prepared. We want to enjoy life safely, and to do so, knowledge is key!

No course of action is guaranteed to be right in a survival situation, but the more you know, the more effective your actions can be.