Walt the Dreamer - Coffee with Alain Dec 5, 2023 disney dreamer motivation walt disney Dec 05, 2023

Coffee with Alain with a little inspiration from Walt Disney on his birthday.

I misspoke. I have the Partners statue on my shirt and cup. The Dreamer statue is the new one at EPCOT today.

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Jimmy Buffett, Flash Point, and What Would Walt Do? - Coffee with Alain Sept 2, 2023 don bentley jimmy buffett tom clancy walt disney Sep 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the passing of music legend Jimmy Buffett and the books "Flash Point" by Don Bentley and "What Would Walt Do?" by D.M. Miller.

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Be Like Walt - Coffee with Alain June 4, 2023 disney motivation success walt disney Jun 04, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a motivating and inspirational message based on a few things from Walt Disney's life. Alain will help you channel the spirit of Walt Disney and Micky Mouse so your dreams...

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Disney Quotes, Term Limits, and Words That Work - Coffee with Alain April 29, 2023 disney quote book frank luntz term limits vince flynn walt disney words that work Apr 29, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the books "The Official Walt Disney Quote Book," "Term Limits," and "Words That Work."

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

- Walt Disney


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