100th Episode: Celebrating Milestones and Trusting Your Gut - Coffee with Alain April 10, 2023 100th episode intuition milestones safety trusting your gut Apr 10, 2023

Coffee with Alain celebrating 100 episodes and discussing the importance of celebrating milestones and trusting your gut for safety.

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The Strawberry and a Little About Intuition - Coffee with Alain Feb 13, 2023 intuition safety story the strawberry wisdom Feb 13, 2023

Coffee with Alain shares a story, The Strawberry, and discusses intuition and your safety.

All of us need to take a moment and enjoy the strawberries of life, regardless of what is in our past,...

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He Put What Where? Coffee with Alain Jan 4, 2023 coffee with alain intuition Jan 04, 2023

Coffee with Alain gives a shout out to Eric O., Discusses what you shouldn't put in certain places, Columbus, OH, and intuition for safety and success.

A big thank you to Eric for the Ohio State...

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