Be Like Walt - Coffee with Alain June 4, 2023 disney motivation success walt disney Jun 04, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a motivating and inspirational message based on a few things from Walt Disney's life. Alain will help you channel the spirit of Walt Disney and Micky Mouse so your dreams...

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Locked Doors for Safety and Open Doors for Success - Coffee with Alain April 26, 2023 safety success Apr 26, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a safety tip and a life tip, both having to do with doors (one actual, one metaphorically).

"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the...

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Don't Limit Yourself - Coffee with Alain April 24, 2023 kmaf motivation success Apr 24, 2023

Coffee with Alain sharing a simple success tip. Little tip, and another plug for getting out and interacting with people in your industry at conferences and events.

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Open Up and Bloom - Coffee with Alain April 20, 2023 dale galloway motivation rose success Apr 20, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing a life tip to help you make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling.

"A rose only becomes beautiful and blesses others when it opens up and blooms. Its greatest tragedy...

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The Struggle Makes the Result More Rewarding - Coffee with Alain April 16, 2023 motivation success Apr 16, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing a success principle in today's motivational message.

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If You Want To Improve and Enjoy Life - Coffee with Alain April 2, 2023 keys to success motivation success Apr 02, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing a success tip that will help you improve, and thus help you enjoy life more.

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Always Be Exceptional - Coffee with Alain March 26, 2023 be exceptional keys to success motivation success Mar 26, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing the importance of striving to be exceptional in all that we do.

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Make Your Life Meaningful - Coffee with Alain March 19, 2023 keys to success motivation success Mar 19, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing how to make your life meaningful after you decide what meaningful means to you.

I made a mistake. Last year we went to Disneyworld FLORIDA, not California. The mug is...

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How Are You Maximizing Your Life? Coffee with Alain March 5, 2023 goals keys to success maximize life success Mar 05, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing maximizing your life and making every day amazing.

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Be A Ray Of #%&$ Sunshine - Coffee with Alain Feb 22, 2023 motivation success Feb 22, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing motivating yourself and an assignment to help others.

It is up to you to find internal motivation. You can't rely on someone else, or something else, to motivate you....

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50th Episode Musings - Coffee with Alain Feb 19, 2023 disney goals hapkido success Feb 19, 2023

Coffee with Alain discussing 50th episode, turning 56, changes in Hapkido class, and taking times to reflect, plan, and ponder.

Will be working on the Disney projects, but they are a ways out...


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Be Like Tramp - Happy Valentine's Day - Coffee with Alain Feb 14, 2023 active shooter active shooter response disney lady and the tramp success Feb 14, 2023

 Coffee with Alain discussing the virtues of Tramp on Valentine's Day, and also mentioning the killing at Michigan State yesterday. Tomorrow will be the start of a three part series on Active...

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