Active Shooter Triangle - Escape - Coffee with Alain Feb 15, 2023

active shooter active shooter response active shooter triangle escape

Coffee with Alain discussing active shooter response and the escape option of the Active Shooter Triangle.

The Active Shooter Triangle: Escape, Deny and Attack Back. The option you choose will be determined by you, your location, the location of the killer, and the environment.


If you have an escape route and opportunity it is a good survival action. But if not, one of the other options may be better or necessary. 

Escaping may be crawling, going out a window, etc. Not always running.

If you run, run straight, not zig zag.

Use cover and concealment as you are escaping. 

Slice the pie and leap frog when appropriate. 

This is the Active Shooter Triangle I use with Reflex Protect. I changed "Move" to "Act" as it is a better word for the middle, and we use "Defend" rather than "Attack Back" for some of the places teaching.