Active Shooter Triangle - Deny - Coffee with Alain Feb 16, 2023

active shooter active shooter response active shooter triangle deny

Coffee with Alain discussing Deny, the second part of the Active Shooter Triangle. Part 2 in a 3 part series this week.

Denying access to you is a survival strategy for active killers. If you can lock a door, barricade a door, or do something else so the killer can't get to you, you can stay safe.

You must also have a good communication system to notify people to lock down when something happens. 

Once you have denied access to you, don't stop. Continue to improve your position, escape from another exit, or prepare to defend yourself if the door is breached. 

This is the Active Shooter Triangle I use with Reflex Protect. I changed "Move" to "Act" as it is a better word for the middle, and we use "Defend" rather than "Attack Back" for some of the places teaching.