Active Shooter Triangle - Attack Back - Coffee with Alain Feb 17, 2023

active shooter active shooter response active shooter triangle attack back

Coffee with Alain discussing the third part of the Active Shooter Triangle - Attack Back. Part 3 of a 3 part series on Active Shooter Response.

Depending on your location, the environment you are in, and the location of the killer, there may be no option other than attacking back and stopping the killer.

It will be your attitude and mindset that are most important in this situation. Don't believe those who say, "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," because it's not true. Unarmed good guys have stopped bad guys with guns. But you must have the right mindset and attitude to do it. You must be a survivor!

Use improvised weapons or anything you can. Improvised weapons are more of a mindset than an object as well. You can use just about anything. Just stop the killer and be a survivor. 

This is the Active Shooter Triangle I use with Reflex Protect. I changed "Move" to "Act" as it is a better word for the middle, and we use "Defend" rather than "Attack Back" for some of the places teaching.