Delivery Scam E-mails

e-mail phishing scams

During today's Coffee with Alain live video, I warned about the increase of Delivery Scam e-mails that are hitting people's inboxes during the holiday season. With the increase in shopping over the holidays, the cyber criminals increase their scam and phishing e-mails. They know people have an above number of emails and on-line purchases and deliveries this time of year, thus a greater chance to succeed in their criminal activities. Don't Fall for Their Scams and Phishing Attempts!

Do not click on the links they send and do not provide any information! 


Pay attention to emails before blindly clicking on links. Make sure they come from the actual company or person they represent. Often an email will have all the graphics from the real company, but the email address will be something very different. 

Enjoy the convenience of shopping on-line, but be prudent and make sure you pay attention and keep yourself safe while doing so. 

Below are a couple of these scams that I received just yesterday:


Stay safe and enjoy the holidays without being a victim of scams!